Tuesday, September 7, 2010

MORE Celebrating Seventy....

Well, I'm REALLY glad to be here, as Alna says!!! I came to Sardinia on a whim; several years ago I had read about Corsica in the New York Times, but got no takers from my swap inquiries. (Well, actually I just remembered that I did communicate with a woman who had houses on both Corsica and in the south of France, but the swap never materialized.) The two islands are very close, you can see how they broke apart thousands of years ago. Corsica is French, while Sardinia is Italian with strong spanish influence, especially in their dialect, which, of course, I would have NO clue of! Luckily I had several Sardinians interested in coming to Weston.
I'm quite settled in; it seems to take me 5-7 days to settle in, to get the proverbial "lay of the land", and to feel really comfortable. So I decided to organize my time by one day staying local (read beach, pool, both), and the other day I go exploring....The geography is really unique...the interesting combination of high hills (or low mountains) at every turn, then coming upon a meadow that looks as though someone had dropped all these huge rocks into it.
Today I had made a reservation for lunch at Li Licci,an agritursimo about an hour away. This is a system whereby farms in Italy act as rural hotels and people can stay there. (I'd had lunch on the Orvieto, Assissi tour at an agritoursimo.) They vary totally; Li Licci(means oak trees in local dialect) was much more upscale-about a five course meal, and I couldn't eat it all! Needless to say, it was spectacular!
While I was there I learned about a small museum in Luras which is open by appointment, so when I got there, I was out of luck. The brochure said that as late as 1952, there were women (Sa Femmina Accabadora or Agabbadora) dressed in black who-in the middle of the night-would go to "put the terminally ill out of their misery"! They did this with a rudimentary hammer, called sa mazzola. The women were never paid, since it was a violation of religious and superstitious norms. Wonder how the women were selected or decided to do that?

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