Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Castelsardo and Sassari

Well, it sounds like two outings in a row, but not really....Castlesardo, pop. 5700, is only about 25 minutes away. I came through on my arrival, and it looked interesting. Really, the castle is it! But it was fun to climb up to it and see the old town overlooking the sea. The town was built around the medieval castle, which now houses a museum for basket-weaving, for which the town is famous. Women are still making baskets; they sit in their doorways doing just that. The view is awesome, but other than that, there are two churches, and I was done!
I explored the Terme di Casteloria, but decided it didn't appeal, so I was back to the pool here. The Terme actually were supposed to be baths, but due to some political issues, the baths weren't completed. Meanwhile, people still go to the river where some 70C water meets the river and swim or rather soak in a very warm water....Maybe another day?
Today I went over to Sassari, pop.121,700, second largest city in Sardinia. It's a very busy place-except from between 1 and 4 or 5, when most everything closes for lunch and....It was another fun driving experience!
First stop was the Museo Nazionale Sanna, a comprehensive archaeological collection. Of course, I had to find a place to park, and then to figure out how to get a ticket for parking; luckily the "meter maid" helped show me how to do it. It turns out that you pay for time up to 13:00-16:00, when it is free. I thought that at that time there was NO parking there!
Museum WAS interesting, even though it was mostly all in Italian. Boy, my Italian-English dictionary is worth carrying around! I could take pictures with no flash, so I did...lots of pottery, nuraghe info, etc. I sat out in their yard and ate my-yep-peanut butter sandwich and apple! This was now at the time that most everything was closed....So I walked around a bit to check things out. Was the bookstore that might have some English books open? Nope. Ah, but the Gellateria was! So I succumbed to chocolate, tiramisu, and creme caramel....2€
I was sitting across from the Museo della Brigata Sassari, which was open and free. So I went over, in spite of the fact that it was mostly a military museum and about the Sassari Brigade in the WWI-all in Italian. This Brigade is still active in Iaq and Afghanistan....When I entered, they took my passport and locked up my backpack.
When I left it was about how much time did I have left on my present parking space....At 5:30, I was going to meet Angela, a couch surfer, at the Chiesa di Santa Maria di Bethlem. So I had to get over there........This is not a big city by any means. In the process of getting me there,the (NASTY) GPS took me into a more narrow street than the one I pictured before! BUT at least it took me to an internet place, which I needed, because I had to get my boarding passes printed for next week's flights. (How can I be leaving for Spain ALREADY?)
Well, I visited the Chiesa, and had a very nice visit with Angela, before I returned to Badesi, which I made in one hour's time! (Angela's 32 with a Masters working in research at the University in the morning and working in her mother's knitting/yarn shop afternoons.) My trip back was in spite of being behind an old car slower than mine! Actually a huge truck was RIGHT on my tail, so I pulled over so he could move on! I was back in time to have a cocktail hour with my British neighbors!

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