Sunday, April 25, 2010


Well, I'm having problems editing my posts, so sorry for any typos....I also wanted to add this link....(This blog site indicates that it is linking with sites I put in, but they do not show up. Not too user-friendly....) TESTING...I can't see it here, so this way I know it will be here. is one of the places I have emailed. Nothing fancy...but then I'd always rather eat and drink my travel funds than sleep....However, since we DID learn from last year's escapade with our hotel in Nice, I will be checking with for reviews on any hotels I may stay in!

1 comment:

  1. hahahahaha. That place in Nice was not nice. Ick ick ick. The noise, standing in ankle-deep water while showering, the bad AC? Or was it the six glowing neon signs that said "MOTEL MOTEL MOTEL MOTEL MOTEL"? Please *do* more research ;)
